Thursday, April 28, 2011

Anonymous Blessings

God is amazing...I'm not sure that there is anything more that I can say. Today, as usual, when the mailman arrived Lucy ran out to the mailbox to greet her (a fun detail to add is that Lucy was wearing her bathing suit!) and pick up our mail. When Lucy returned to our door, she not only has our mail, but our mail lady as well. I went to the door thinking Lucy had convinced her that she needed help getting back to the house, or invited her in, but in fact there was a letter that had come to our house, but needed 40 more cents for postage. I looked at the envelope and it was addressed to the "Merritt Family" and the return address was not one I recognized. I paid the 40 cents and then after saying good bye to our wonderful mail lady I opened the note. Once I opened the envelope there was a card, nothing written inside, but included in the card was a VISA gift card.

I was amazed! It was for an amount that would cover a bill that we were behind on and Kevin and I had just had a conversation and prayer time about turning our financial situation over to God. Honestly, over the past 6 years of marriage we have not made the smartest financial decisions, but we have decided, as a family, we are going to COMPLETELY turn our financial situation over to God. We are going to let HIM be in charge of our finances. Literally...we had this conversation and prayer time less then a week ago, and BAM...our first blessing. See...I told you...GOD IS AMAZING!!

So, if the person who sent the VISA gift card is reading this...YOU are a blessing to our family! You have given us the opportunity and the reassurance we needed that we are doing the right thing by allowing God to control our thank you!

Jumping on the Bandwagon!

So I guess I can blame this on my sister-in-law's super cute blog, but I thought this might be a fun way to keep up with my crazy life! I am excited about a place that I can record the cute things my girls say, funny things that happen at school, or wonderful things that God is teaching me. So, sit back and relax and enjoy. Hopefully I will figure all this out and this can be a fun place to come and catch up on some pictures of my beautiful family as well!!!